Purpose extract from Live What You Love I don’t live to work, I work to live. But if I love the work I choose, then my work is no longer work. Our society celebrates the idea of the workaholic. Earlier in this book I have written that the happy employee creates a...
When I walked into work on Monday morning I was met by RedBalloon’s PR Executive who greeted me with, “You’ll never believe the headline I just read about you!” The article she was talking about was Shark Tank recap: The night Naomi Simson ate dog food on national...
I am just back from my summer break – and like everyone else most of the year I make a pile of fabulous books that I am given or collect saving them for the time that I can sit down and enjoy. This summer I managed to be consumed by six books… Thanks to...
I was asked by the editorial team at LinkedIn to pen what I see coming for 2015 so I have put some thoughts together to look at ideas and trends that are likely to shape 2015. Next year is likely to be a very big year for me too – with three big new initiatives...
I did this interview with ABC News 24 sometime ago as part of a series produced on the economy for 2017 which aired this week. I’m happy with the outcome and have realised that there is a lot of really great information for start ups – budding...
I was chatting to a family member over the weekend and he mentioned my recent uplifting post as to how far the women entrepreneur ecosystem has come in Australia. Then he said… “I just don’t see sexism anywhere, Naomi”. He works for a business...
I was having dinner a few years ago with my daughter then (17) and son (15) – and my son asked me if I would prefer to be a man or a woman… I instantly responded ‘A woman’ – when he asked the same question of my daughter, after some deliberation she said ‘A man’. When...
A few weeks ago I presented at the Marie Claire Success Summit. I was sharing with my partner Stuart King about the event – and mentioned that the Commissioner for Human Rights Elizabeth Broderick would be presenting and I asked him to come. Of the 350 attendees...