
Naomi Simson

I have been on this entrepreneurial journey for more than twenty years.


So you think you want to be on an entrepreneurship journey? Or perhaps you are just curious about other people who are entprenreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is made to look glamorous and yet on the whole it is not. Most people if you were to ask them, as business owners they are likely you will be living on a very tight budget, rather than driving around in a Tesla.

As they say the road to Entrepreneurship is littered with the carcasses of the ‘hopeful’. It is a lot of hard work however it can be extremely rewarding both financially and emotionally.  However, neither of those things is guaranteed. You get to run your own business, and make your own rules as well as build something special from the ground up. But for every Silicon Valley success story there are thousands of people that will never be a true ‘entrepreneur’.

I have found that the best way is to learn from others. I have run many successful entrepreneurial businesses. And I have made plenty of mistakes. In these blog posts I share the ups and the downs. You may want to subscribe to my Monday Xpresso Newsletter so that you can get a weekly dose of motivation.

So let’s get started on your entrepreneurial journey. Be curious, and have fun – reading and learning about being an entrepreneur.

Different ‘Chapters’ to explore – Entrepreneurial blog posts

Carla Zampatti Tribute

Carla Zampatti Tribute

Carla Zampatti - Tribute The vivid conversation I had with Carla about colour as part of the judging process for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year will always stay with me. It was 2011, I was 10 years into my RedBalloon entrepreneurial journey and whilst the other 11 or...

International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

Let’s make 2021 ‘label’ free Most of us don’t realise how often we do it, adding a ‘label’ to the description. I am a ‘Female’ entrepreneur; it is obvious – surely this is the year when I am just ‘entrepreneur’. No more labels. I recently watched Mrs America, I was...

Make Every Moment Count

Make Every Moment Count

How we will make every moment count After the ‘Oh noooo’ moment which happened on 11 March 2020 when the World Health Organisation announced, ‘the pandemic’ like most other business owners, we picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and have been working around the...

Economic uplift for rural Australia

Economic uplift for rural Australia

It is time for an economic uplift for rural Australia I read with interest that ‘Post-COVID, Australians go back to grassroots’; ‘The regions offer brighter post-COVID futures, predicts demographer Bernard Salt’. Salt’s article goes to great lengths to speak of the...