Business Books

I love books and I love to share which are my favorites
Learnings from my favourite business books
Reading business books is a very important part of entrepreneurial success. A leader needs to be curious and interested. Whether people work in business, a startup, an enterprise or even the government to get ahead it is important to read business books.
I read many books, and one of the reasons why have have blog posts about business books is because I want to be able to refer to what I have learned again. In this section it is more than just business book review. I talk about how and why they impacted my businesses.
Podcasts are becoming increasingly important in how we consume information. It is such a great way to hear from an author and maybe get the condensed version of the book
In this range of blog posts I include business podcasts as well as business books. I read (and listen) a lot – so the best way to stay connect is to subscribe to my Monday Espresso Newsletter so that you can get a weekly dose of inspiration.

Catch up on the Business Books blog posts

How to be agile at work
A start up kit for business growth If you are like me, you have read a hundred business books and a thousand articles and posts. Most of them with incredible gold and great value as you look at how to start, grow and scale your business. Then it comes time to...

Meet Tiffani Bova
Introducing Tiffani Bova - Sales Futurist In September 2015 I sat listening to a woman who shared a vivid story of growth. A woman after my own heart, I was keen to connect with this like-minded woman. She has the most fantastic background (and title) - Sales...

Five habits for creating long-term happiness
Habits for happiness Habits for long term happiness, Yes please! I suspect that this is the goal for many of us. Over a 'lunch n learn' session with the Redii team, we re-watched Shawn Achor's TEDx talk, about habits for happiness, and it reminded us all on what is...

‘Acting’ happy when you’re sad, a personal tale.
[First appeared in LinkedIn Thought Leaders] Isn’t it funny how life holds a mirror up to you? I have a colleague who has been on the journey of thanks with me from the start. I returned recently from an overseas trip to share what I’d learnt from Shawn Achor, the...

Three predictors for sustained happiness?
Listening to Shawn Achor at the Entrepreneur Organization was a delight. I had read his book – The Happiness Advantage years ago, when I began my journey to discover ‘this human condition’ of happiness. I’d watched his TED talk which has had more than 2million views...

From time to time publishers send me books ‘hoping’ that I will read them and that I might write something on this blog. They sit in a pile on my desk... One sat on the top of the pile ‘The (Honest) truth about dishonesty – by Dan Ariely – How we lie to everyone –...

Starfish and Spiders in Tokyo
Rod Beckstrom has founded, grown and successfully exited several businesses. But he is a curious sort of a guy...he wanted to know about the unstoppable power of leaderless organisations. So together with Ori Brafman, he set about researching those organisations that...

Creativity is King.
What it takes to ensure Creativity is King Further to yesterday's blog about Dan Pink's Whole New Mind Presentation ... here's the good news - Creativity is King. Dan Pink shared with us that apparently Steve Jobs (Founder and CEO of Apple) only looks for two things...