Protection from Disruption The world of work is melding with the rest of life – people are online and connected all the time – how we work has changed forever. For small business owners’ life, has never been more challenging…customers seem more elusive and more...
“Is this a dream or a nightmare?” This is what we set out to discover in this episode of Shark Tank – clearly I am incredulous about something – the joy of discovering is not lost on even battle worn one’s like me. There was the...
Sometimes I simply laugh because as I start each week with the question – “what is the one thing that I need to get done this week so that if I get it done everything will become easier?” This might seem like an easy question… however this week...
Last week was one of those incredible weeks when a plan comes together. If I was to give it a theme it would be ‘Inspired Start Ups Center Stage’. From sharing the love with Ready to Soar for Business Management students at Queenwood School to BSchools #IdeaNation...
Last week was all things media…especially given the arrival of #ReadyToSoar in book stores. I also had the pleasure of attending Claire Halliday’s launch of her book Things My Mother Taught Me which and here Benjamin Law’s stories first hand. Big...
As the new book ‘Ready to Soar’ begins to arrive in book stores I reflect on why I dedicated hours and hours to putting down on paper what is in my brain. The experience of nearly 30 years of being in, or working with small business has given me not just vast...
As I boarded a flight back to Sydney again this morning, I thought to myself…boy… I was in and out of the Gold Coast and Melbourne last week busy waving the B-School – pictured below working on #IdeaNation), I hardly saw these places while sharing...
It’s coming up to five years since I left the post as CEO of RedBalloon – not being involved with the detail allows me as a non-executive director to bring different ‘experiences’ or insights to the board table. However, my passion has in no...