Shark Tank Season Three Episode 7 Up this week in the Tank we have… Cardly Patrick and Tom from Cardly have created a business of personalised cards printed on demand around the world by simulating hand writing and curating artists designs. The model is scalable...
The Big Red Group The only constant in business — and life — is change… and my entrepreneurial journey is no different. Last night was a moment on the timeline, I publicly unveiled The Big Red Group (BRG) alongside my co-founder and Group CEO, David...
Business Branding and Purpose I have lived and worked my whole life in and around business owners; even when I was in marketing for Ansett and Apple, my role was working with business owners. One campaign I ran for Apple was about how as a business owner, you need to...
Social Media Do’s and Dont’s Social Media (all forms) is often lauded as the great promotional tool for business. Yet often it is misused and misunderstood. If you think about it as a conversation, that is both listening and talking tool then the value is...
Recently I wrote about a ‘new you’ for New Years. Style is not the same as ‘brand’ nor is style the same as appearance. I am a big believer in people being themselves, however I also believe in people respecting the people around them. Colour...
I always find that at the beginning of the year I reflect on what I achieved last year and what I plan to do differently this year. One thing we often avoid considering is our personal style (and the impact our choices have on people around us). Does how you present...
Last summer for close to five weeks I traveled with the family– it’s the “big trip” for my daughter’s graduation from high school, her eighteenth and my special birthday. When she was just a tiny tot in primary school I remember saying to her in passing....
The great game of business is all about change. It is about adapting to the environment – listening and responding to all stakeholders. There is no doubt that this century marketing is forever different. People do not want to be bombarded with messages that are not...