It is now more than a month since I sat enthralled with thousands of other Australians listening to one of the worlds great business commentators – Jim Collins. Having consumed his books and been influenced by his insights into leadership and greatness, I wondered...
In last Sunday night’s episode of Channel Ten’s Shark Tank – John McGrath gave some very sage advice to one of the entrepreneurs – he said “I think you are both the biggest asset … and liability to your business.” John is a measured guy –...
As I said in a recent LinkedIn post I came across an article from The Guardian entitled The dark side of work place happiness. Of course this peaked my attention – if you took out the words ‘work place’ you end up with “The dark side of...
I sometimes find myself in a difficult situation – I receive on average one request per day about becoming a mentor. This is flattering and I always want to ‘help’ – but I often don’t think I am qualified. I happily share from my experience and...
I write ‘leaders’ in inverted commas because the characteristics we hate about bad leaders mean that by definition, they are not a true leader. Have you ever found that you look to the person in charge and think, “How on Earth did they get that role?” This might be a...
As we head into the new tertiary year – with thousands of young people starting at Universities – as employers we sit and wait – hoping that they will come out well rounded individuals ready to face the work world. Internships are a great way to get...
I was interviewed earlier this week by a senior journalist and at some point in the conversation the word “mumpreneur” was uttered from her lips. I said with great indignation in my voice “Really!” – why would you use such a word to describe women...
As I look around the office at RedBalloon I note that we are ready waiting for the Christmas rush to begin in earnest. We have had many new RedBallooners join us recently as we continue to grow significantly. I understand that there have now been 214 RedBallooners in...