The question I am asked a lot is “what do you do now that you are not the CEO of RedBalloon?” Whilst life is busy, it is not chaotic – it is purposeful. In fact one of the things I do to create my week is to consider “What is the big game I am playing? –...
I saw the movie ‘The Intern’ with Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro in the cinema when it came out late in 2015. It brought tears to my eyes… Then my mother, returning on a Qantas flight, watched the same movie a few weeks ago and she called me to ask (tongue in...
For me this season is about laughter, fun and getting together with loved one’s. It can be challenging to keep positive and focus on all the good in the world when there is much pain and suffering in other places. In the spirit of Christmas the team...
We are going nowhere fast if we do not surround ourselves with instrumental, successful, wise, courageous and inspiring people. How can we expect to challenge ourselves to greatness if we are only seeking advice from ourselves? (And maybe having some fun as we do.) At...
These days, I am known to many simply as the #RedShark from Channel TEN’s Shark Tank Australia or ‘that lady in red,’ but being the Founding Director of RedBalloon did not mean I always wore red – nor infact is it my favourite colour. The question I often get is...
I’m on the road a lot. In fact, as I write this, I’m about 2,500kms away from home sharing what I have learned for the Northern Territory October Business Month. And, as anyone who has to travel for work knows, you often feel isolated and not part of the team. I’ve...
A bit of give – and you will also get.. I’m a big advocate of ‘win win’. However you might wonder how on earth walking during the month of September, or ‘Steptember’ as we call it, delivers so much more than you getting healthy and raising money for a great...
When ANZ invited me to hear The Hon. Julia Gillard, tennis great Martina Navratilova and former Chief of Army, General David Morrison speak I was all ears. Putting such a panel together means that they had something ‘big’ to share in the ANZ Women’s Report. Primarily...