When you are given the opportunity of an hour with the CEO of the world’s largest professional network, i.e. the 313 million people who are part of the global LinkedIn network, you know it is a significant moment in your career. Instantly my mind started racing – What...
I was recently interviewed for News.com.au on my thoughts on leadership – I thought I would share them here too. What is the biggest challenge you face/have faced as a leader in Australian business? At RedBalloon, we work hard to ensure that our employees have a great...
As I said in a recent LinkedIn post I came across an article from The Guardian entitled The dark side of work place happiness. Of course this peaked my attention – if you took out the words ‘work place’ you end up with “The dark side of...
I sometimes find myself in a difficult situation – I receive on average one request per day about becoming a mentor. This is flattering and I always want to ‘help’ – but I often don’t think I am qualified. I happily share from my experience and...
Ann Sherry AO has had what I would describe as a ‘non-linear’ career. However there is at it’s core a consistency in her dedication to improve the working lives of those around her. Much has been written...
This is me! This is my life! Taking one careful step after another, with a consistent smile, confidence and resilience (and all whilst being the brand and wearing red). Juggling much while focusing on a far distant vision. This life is not for everyone. You have to be...
We all need role models and people to inspire us. I feel very fortunate that I had strong women around me as I grew up (and continue to grow)… Here are six great women who contributed greatly and give all of us food for thought. “The biggest adventure you...
I write ‘leaders’ in inverted commas because the characteristics we hate about bad leaders mean that by definition, they are not a true leader. Have you ever found that you look to the person in charge and think, “How on Earth did they get that role?” This might be a...