What Can We Believe In?

What Can We Believe In?

At the very core of what it is to be human is our need to belong I wrote recently for a LinkedIn ‘Influencer post’. How we connect to others, our community, family, sporting teams, companies, or country to name a few. Part of our experience of ‘belonging’...

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What you look for is what you find!

What you look for is what you find!

Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car – you notice all the cars that are similar, yet before you had one – you did not see them. They were always there – simply your mind was not attuned to them. Does this work for other things? –...

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No Time for Fun At Work: Then ‘Get a Life’!

No Time for Fun At Work: Then ‘Get a Life’!

Oliver Burkeman’s piece in the NY Times, “Who Goes to Work to Have Fun?” on 11 December says ‘enough of this orchestrated ‘fun at work’. But I say — if we are not enjoying ourselves — then what is the point? One could argue, as Oliver does, that work...

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Four Lessons for my Younger Self

Four Lessons for my Younger Self

I remember my parents trying to impart wisdom upon my younger self – and my busy little brain was saying something like: “Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever.” And now when I do the same with my teenagers, I think I can hear inside their heads muttering the same...

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All Expenses Paid and No Surprises

All Expenses Paid and No Surprises

Some weeks ago I was invited to participate in a BRW round table with Paul Bakker, Amanda Gome, and Grant Johnstone on managing costs in business. My initial reaction was “What would I know about that – I believe that  you need to spend money to make...

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It’s BHAG Day!

It’s BHAG Day!

Today at exactly 10.41 am is the moment in time I have looked forward to for more than a decade. I thought this day would come somewhere in 2015. 16 October 2013 is BHAG day – it feels even more special than a birthday. And it is a day of reflection, laughter, joy and...

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