I appear in a number of TV Shows
The TV Shows I have appeared in are generally business related.
We are all asked many questions about ‘what is it like to be on Shark Tank?’
As part of my journey as an entrepreneur I appear regularly in TV Shows and the media. Shark Tank is a TV show about entrepreneurship. Your Money is a show about business ownership and what is important to business leaders.
The National Press Club address was broadcast live on the ABC.
Over the years I have appeared on many different TV Shows on entrepreneurship. Including the Secret Millionaire. And The Entrepreneurs. I am always happy to be the role model to others. My entrepreneur journey has been full of twists and turns – and many life lessons. For more than 20 years I have been my own boss.
Shark Tank profiles start ups and would be entrepreneurs seeking investment. There have been many success stories from the TV show

Catch up on the TV Show blog posts

Will Shark Tank Do the job?
People pitching on Shark Tank come with a similar expectation. That on the night that their episode appears people will be watching. This is why the show works in the US, they have massive audiences, and if the product is ready, they will sell millions on the night. It is the job of the network to deliver audience and customers to the investors and the inventors – it is an essential part to make the concept work.

Can money buy happiness?
Each week I join the 'Your Money' panel for a segment called Taking Stock, where we discuss the trending money news of the day. View this week's episode Catch up on recaps Tune in every Tuesday evening at 7pm (Sydney local time) on free-to-air channel 95 and Foxtel...

Taking Stock, week 2: The erosion of trust – why you should never mislead your customers
Each week I join the 'Your Money' panel for a segment called Taking Stock, where we discuss the trending money news of the day. View this week's episode Catch up on recaps Tune in every Tuesday evening at 7pm (Sydney local time) on free-to-air channel 95 and Foxtel...

Enterprising Women: Recap, Part 2
On November 28 I was invited to be a guest of the NBN on the Enterprising Women panel, hosted by the National Press Club of Australia. We discussed the topic of women in business and leadership, and how technology is empowering women to be more financially and professionally independent, and to strike out on their own. This is the second part of a two-part series.

National Press Club Enterprising Women: Red Shoes and Recaps, Part 1
On November 28 I was invited to be a guest of the NBN on the Enterprising Women panel, hosted by the National Press Club of Australia. We discussed the topic of women in business and leadership, and how technology is empowering women to be more financially and professionally independent, and to strike out on their own. This is part one of a two-part series.

Taking Stock, week 1: The value of education
Each week I join the Your Money panel for a segment called Taking Stock, where we discuss the trending money news of the day. View this week's episode Catch up on recaps Tune in every Tuesday evening at 7pm (Sydney local time) on free-to-air channel 95 and Foxtel...

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 13
Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 13 Wow — another season has come and gone and I've had the privilege of listening to the stories and future plans of many entrepreneurs. I commend the business owners who have the courage to stand in front of the Sharks and pitch their...

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 12
Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 12 We are nearing the end of our Shark Tank journey with the final episode of Season 4 airing next week, but it's not over 'til its over! This week we have some interesting pitches from the entrepreneurs. First up tonight we have Diana from...