
Naomi Simson

I have been on this entrepreneurial journey for more than twenty years.


So you think you want to be on an entrepreneurship journey? Or perhaps you are just curious about other people who are entprenreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is made to look glamorous and yet on the whole it is not. Most people if you were to ask them, as business owners they are likely you will be living on a very tight budget, rather than driving around in a Tesla.

As they say the road to Entrepreneurship is littered with the carcasses of the ‘hopeful’. It is a lot of hard work however it can be extremely rewarding both financially and emotionally.  However, neither of those things is guaranteed. You get to run your own business, and make your own rules as well as build something special from the ground up. But for every Silicon Valley success story there are thousands of people that will never be a true ‘entrepreneur’.

I have found that the best way is to learn from others. I have run many successful entrepreneurial businesses. And I have made plenty of mistakes. In these blog posts I share the ups and the downs. You may want to subscribe to my Monday Xpresso Newsletter so that you can get a weekly dose of motivation.

So let’s get started on your entrepreneurial journey. Be curious, and have fun – reading and learning about being an entrepreneur.

Different ‘Chapters’ to explore – Entrepreneurial blog posts

Retail in Australia

Retail in Australia

Retail in 2018 is challenging... what are we doing about it? Retail in Australia (and everywhere else) is facing it’s most challenging year, ever... the question is: what are we going to do? I recently read a piece written by Scott Galloway about the rise of the US...

Australian Startup Ecosystem

Australian Startup Ecosystem

What startups in Australia are thinking... Startup Muster released their 2017 annual survey results last week which highlight the developments in the Australian startup ecosystem. Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, The Honorable Craig Laundry MP...

ACCC Fine to RedBalloon

ACCC Fine to RedBalloon

What do I need to do to stop embarrassing myself? I’m busy finding customers and being relentless. My poor family and friends wonder when I will stop asking for leads, opportunities and ideas on how I can grow my businesses. This relentless approach has worked for me,...

Small Business Challenges

Small Business Challenges

Size Matters in Business Being consistent about size does matter. Running a business is hard. Running a small business is harder. I have blogged before about the challenges many businesses face in simply getting paid. Small Business is often hand-to-mouth. ...

The New Hustle Documentary

The New Hustle Documentary

Life as an entrepreneur Entrepreneurship is a long, tough road — there’s no denying it. We heard Coldplay loud and clear when they told us ‘nobody said it was easy’. Being in business also comes with a lot of pressure that perhaps can’t be seen from the outside...

Ecto Handplanes

Ecto Handplanes

Ecto Handplanes: Too good to swim past When Chris came into the Tank and said ‘In this case Sharks and Surfers are a perfect match’, or something like that, I think he is probably right. Chris from Ecto Handplanes is all about design. As he hands each of us our very...

Shark Tank S3 Episode 13 Finale

Shark Tank S3 Episode 13 Finale

Shark Tank Season 3 Finale The time has come and we are already at the finale of this season in the Tank. And as they say, last but not least... Jimalie Coconut Products Jaypee is first up into the Tank seeking $85k for 20% equity in his business of high quality...

Crooked Compass Experiences

Crooked Compass Experiences

I'm travelling to Northern Mongolia, are you game to come along? So, there is this woman who walks into the Tank and says “I find and organise the most incredible experiences on the planet and I want you to invest in me” or words to that effect. Great pitch, great...