Purpose Driven Business

Purpose Driven Business

Bringing purpose back to business for FY19 Last week I flew back from an amazingly enriching experience, where I rode horseback for days on end to reach a dwindling community of reindeer herders in remote northern Mongolia. I met local people, slept in an ancient...

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Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 8

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 8

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 8 It’s Tuesday and you all know what that means… five Sharks in a Tank fighting it out for a stake in some great Aussie businesses. A trend we’ve seen so far this season is a real passion to save the environment and that...

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Celebrity Endorsement Scams

Celebrity Endorsement Scams

Scams using celebrities: beware There has been a massive surge in recent weeks and months of dodgy operators using so-called ‘celebrity endorsement’ to dupe consumers into buying products. These people are nothing more than thieves, stealing people’s reputations and...

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Gamification in Business

Gamification in Business

Gamification: the results are in! Gamification in business has been around for over 15 years. The actual term – ‘gamification’ – was coined by Nick Pelling back in 2002, however, its traction in marketing has become more significant in recent...

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Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 7

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 7

Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 7 I’m back from Mongolia which was an incredibly eye-opening trip and I’m really looking forward to sharing more with you soon. But tonight we’re straight back into the Tank and first up we have… Gamify Jonny and...

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