This episode is all about customer experience and customer promise – whilst what is presented to us differs vastly in terms of customer groups, markets and audiences – the fundamentals of brand promise remains the same; Does the customer believe that...
I was asked last week, in an interview as part of the ANZ Business Ready program at #IdeaNation hosted by B-School, what makes a great pitch. Even though a third of my new book Ready To Soar is dedicated to answering that question, I think there is one element that...
Waiting, waiting – wondering ‘Is this the one?’ I’m sure every investor is the same, not just the Sharks on Shark Tank – who so publicly wait with baited breath to hear the story behind the business idea – wondering is this the next big thing. The entrepreneurs...
Here are my notes that I took on set during the filming of Episode Five. If there is a word to describe this episode, it would be #Courage. All entrepreneurs by nature must be courageous – but may show it in different ways. All the businesses we see tonight have...
One of the great things about being a ‘Shark’ on Network TEN’s Shark Tank (returning soon) is that I get ‘pitched’ regularly – well maybe people are just sharing their fantastic ideas with me. One thing I can do is to support these...
I find it fascinating that every meeting I have had recently keeps coming back to one central discussion point: the state of entrepreneurship in Australia. What are the stopping points for success and where are the opportunities to excel? I am having so many...
In the lead up to heading back into the Shark Tank for another period of filming for this inspirational Australian made business reality show, I thought I would share a few thoughts on how to prepare for your day in the Tank (or for everyone else, pitching your idea...
I sound like I am try to sell a used car… Actually I’m not trying to sell anything… if there is one thing I have learned it is people need to choose to buy – and in this case need to choose to ‘play’. As I have been touring around...