Five reasons why a coupon is NOT a gift

Five reasons why a coupon is NOT a gift

[From LinkedIn] I have just read a news report called “Groupon fights for its life as daily deals fade” which did not really surprise me. I know some of our suppliers have from time to time dabbled with discounting their activities and events through such sites and I...

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I am an entrepreneur

I am an entrepreneur

A wonderful friend (Emma Isaacs) sent me this quote earlier today. It could be the entrepreneur’s credo or manifest. What it did do for me when I read it – was to remind me, that whilst at the moment I might be very caught up in detail – I do it for...

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Trappings of Success

Trappings of Success

I’ve watched with interest the controversy in recent weeks regarding Mark Zuckerberg’s continued wearing of ‘hoodies’ during the lead up to the IPO of Facebook. The question was raised – is what he chose to wear disrespectful to financial institutions? I choose to...

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Great Leaders Listen Loudly

I was recently with a group of start up businesses; this small group of founders was excitedly debating the best way to promote their businesses using social media. Each was bemoaning that they were not getting much traction on their twitter and Facebook page…...

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