Business plan

Business Plan posts are full of inspiration
A Business Plan is created over time and needs to be ‘living.’
Writing a business plan is one thing. Living a business plan is another. I have written many plans. The thing that I have learned is that business leadership is an equally important part of the business planning process. A plan is a living document. Something to be reviewed regularly. I first started writing business plans last century. Coming up with a template that captures everything succinctly can be a challenge. It is important to remember who is going to use the plan and who will be reading it. A financier or investor will want to see different things in the plan, versus employees or other stakeholders. Read the blogs I have written on business planning – see if any apply for you. But the first step is to write down why you need a plan in the first place. I have some links here to great business plan templates. Enjoy the posts.

Catch up on the Business Plan blog posts

Economic recovery after COVID-19
Some thoughts on how to move forward and rebuild with a sense of optimism and purpose. Anyone who knows me is aware that I’m an optimist and yesterday as I presented to 50 rural women business owners the question of 'what next?' and 'where to from here?'. I thought it...

Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination: the enemy of planning We are all about planning this month in our business community and in sticking to the ‘plan’, I have set aside a whole day to plan for a very busy few months ahead. Yet as I sit down to get things done, I’m finding anything and...

Successful Business Plan
Successful Business PlanMake the most of your business plan In the blink of an eye, September is here already. Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere and the change of season always leads me reflect on what progress I’ve made in the three months just passed — an...

Align your Business with your Future Vision
Painting a picture of our future Back in the day, RedBalloon's vision or Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), was for 10% of the Australian population to have had a RedBalloon day by 2015. We're in 2017, and have provided 3.8 million experiences so far, I think we...

How to run a successful business
The 10 hardest things about running a business As this financial year closes, we begin our next 12 month phase and look to the future. As an entrepreneur for more than two decades, I completely resonate with an article penned by Lee Polevoi, outlining the 10...

Anatomy of a great workplace
Five lessons from my visit to the Facebook Campus It is no coincidence that as you enter 1 Hacker Way — Facebook global headquarters — it feels like Disneyland… literally. In 2009 when Facebook purchased the site in Menlo Park from Sun Microsystems (they reversed the...

‘I made it’ – another year of business success…
Small Business Projects for 2017 I titled this blog '‘I made it’ – another year of small business success…' - but perhaps it should have been ''phew I survived' - without any major incidents in 2016'. As 2016 drew to a close I felt both relief, and a sense of...

Half a decade of being CEO
When did I start paying myself? This is another question from the Amcham event (there were lots of questions that night). I giggled with this question. I have now been in this job for half a decade and it is not like any other I?ve ever had. How does a CEO get a...