Shark Tank S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Here are my notes that I took on set during the shooting of this episode. Italian fast food, an online portal, deodorant – and I don’t know how to categorize the G-Stick – oral hygiene I guess. There were laughs – but plenty of advice and...

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84% Say Clutter Adds to Stress

84% Say Clutter Adds to Stress

Too much stuff – deal with it – feel the joy! “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” Will Rogers According to the Australia Institute research paper...

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Three quick ways to make your world a better place

‘Every little bit helps’… environmental artist John Dahlsen (work above) spent 8 years collecting the thongs from the beach on the far north cost – one man’s trash is another mans profession. I listened to Matt Perry last week implore his...

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Three steps to making money online

Three steps to making money online

Another interesting question posed by The Australian – everyone is looking for the get quick rich scheme – and the reality is that there are none – unless you don’t mind a bit of hard work… here is my response to the question “How...

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Three online branding lessons

Three online branding lessons

It seems that lately I am being approached by many people who are asking a similar question, “How did you do it?”.  Obviously I write this blog so that I can share what I have learned which also means that people can dip into what they think is relevant for them...

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3 Tips on Giving Great Gifts

3 Tips on Giving Great Gifts

Giving Great Gifts To give or not to give – that is the question. Giving great gifts is not always the right thing to do. In fact, a bad gift can do more harm than good. A gift can either enhance a relationship or detract from it. In giving a gift it shows our...

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