It is never finished Workplace culture is a work in progress
Workplace Culture
We talk a lot about the importance of workplace culture for the success of a business and we try lot’s of things. However in many cases they just don’t work. You can spend a lot of money aligning people to a great corporate culture, but ultimately employee’s need want to participate.
It is our job as employers to create the environment for a great workplace culture. One of the important elements to this, i have learned is to make sure that it is written down and there as a program that supports it.
Sometimes as managers, business owners and business leaders we are so busy rushing around we forget if we are treating everybody throughout the business equally, and fairly.
This is one of the reasons that we created the platform which is all about experiences at work. As a manager I want to be able to see what people are working on and then see what people are saying about them.
Workplace culture is much more than just creating a program. It is really important to consistently deliver upon what you said you would do. Try to imagine what it like to be a new employee in your business, or a quiet person. Workplace culture is about including everyone in the frame work which is why a program is so important.
Every day I learn new things – so if you would like to stay up to date with what I am doing then perhaps you may want to subscribe to my Monday Motivator Newsletter so that you can get a weekly dose of motivation.

Catch up on the Workplace culture blog posts

Valentine’s Day activities are about well-being
Valentine's Day activities Well-being starts with some ‘we’ time. It’s mid-February, the festive season has long since passed… I thought this year would be different – that I would control my diary – but as it happens I find myself as busy as ever. The thing is, I...

Employee Feedback
Employee Feedback can be confronting What I didn’t know…. One of the greatest challenges faced by us as individuals, team players, employees or leaders is that it is very difficult for us to get perspective. That is 'we don’t know what we don’t know’ and we don’t even...

Success is by design – not by accident.
Sometimes a little bit of success for a start-up business can be misleading - as a founder you do it all, from customer experience to bookkeeping - there is no one else - and you know you can count on yourself to get things done. But it is not sustainable - if you...

This weeks chaos…
What fun we had at the #Bx16 Business for Life event in Sydney this week. I felt so at home with my fellow curious small business owners – we are all eager to learn from others; especially from other's mistakes. I am happy to tell my story and to share what I have...

What it takes to be ‘unbeatable’
Madeleine Albright famously said 'There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.’ Perhaps there is a special place in hell for those who don’t help others… no matter the gender. When asked why Andrew Banks was a Shark on Channel Ten’s Shark...

Spending money to make money
So this week I have been quoted as saying “recognising your people is not about being ‘nice’ it just makes good commercial sense”. Recognition has always been one of the drivers of what I consider makes a healthy and high performing business. In all my years of...

Turning the performance review on its head
When you hear the term ‘performance review,’ what is your immediate reaction: relish or dread? Is it something that needs to be endured or an exciting opportunity to learn, grow and develop? What if there was a way that you could completely flip the performance...

Talking about the ‘Bucket List’
RedBalloon has always been about 'good times' it might just as well be about the 'bucket list' or 'dream catcher'... Maybe your family or friends might give you something from your list - or maybe you will choose something for yourself... Here I talk with...