Naomi Simson

I appear in a number of TV Shows

The TV Shows I have appeared in are generally business related.

We are all asked many questions about ‘what is it like to be on Shark Tank?’

As part of my journey as an entrepreneur I appear regularly in TV Shows and the media. Shark Tank is a TV show about entrepreneurship. Your Money is a show about business ownership and what is important to business leaders.

The National Press Club address was broadcast live on the ABC.

Over the years I have appeared on many different TV Shows on entrepreneurship. Including the Secret Millionaire. And The Entrepreneurs. I am always happy to be the role model to others. My entrepreneur journey has been full of twists and turns – and many life lessons. For more than 20 years I have been my own boss.

Shark Tank profiles start ups and would be entrepreneurs seeking investment. There have been many success stories from the TV show

Catch up on the TV Show blog posts

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eleven on TEN

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eleven on TEN

In reviewing my notes for this episode I was left feeling a little sad. I know this is not an emotion that we often talk about when it comes to business. In my book Live What You Love I talk about the four elements to support living a life of passion and purpose. One...

Shark Tank S1 Episode Ten on TEN

Shark Tank S1 Episode Ten on TEN

'Youth' might be the theme of this weeks episode. With two entrepreneurs under the age 25 years in the Tank the enthusiasm was infectious. I love the innovation that we were presented with. Some simple ideas to everyday problems. Really great to see the entrepreneurs...

Shark Tank S1 Episode Nine on TEN

Shark Tank S1 Episode Nine on TEN

In some ways Episode Nine was all about family. I think many people would have robust discussions based on their personal experience with the problems that each of our entrepreneurs presented to the Sharks. I remember as a young mum literally juggling two small...

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Here are my notes that I took on set during the shooting of this episode. Italian fast food, an online portal, deodorant - and I don't know how to categorize the G-Stick - oral hygiene I guess. There were laughs - but plenty of advice and insights. Tommy Sugo – Fast...

Shark Tank S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Why “I didn’t know” is no excuse

This article first appeared on LinkedIn in March 2015. I was always getting into trouble as a child and breaking the rules. At the time I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I didn’t think anyone would notice. I was trying to ‘get away with it’. One thing I have...

The future of retail… Why Freckleberry changed its spots?

Shark Tank S1 Episode Seven on TEN

This particular episode shows the extremes of businesses - from parties and chocolate experiences to childcare frustrations. The show started with a pitch that was very difficult to understand. And whilst David Hill lamented "I need investors who understand the...