Success Quotes

We all need a little motivation Success Quotes always help.
My favourite success quotes.
There is nothing like reading about other peoples success. In this group of posts about Success Quotes you will be left inspired. But these posts are all about what has inspired me too. And I put them into context of the impact that they have had on making me the business leader that I now am.
Famous quotes, infamous quotes and even anonymous words – strung together to create the idea of ‘success’. Perhaps you would like to add to my collection. You can see more at my Pinterest board for quotes
Please enjoy my selection, and add to it. Which one’s resonate the most with you? I have written a number of blog posts that will help you explore a different way to view business leadership. This is my journey, my story, but perhaps you too can learn from it.
My personal motto is “if it is to be it is up to me”

Catch up on the Success Quotes blog posts

A woman should have:
The fact that 50% of Australian women over the age of 45 have less that $8000 in superannuation is completely alarming to me. I continue to debate, discuss and consider the implications of free childcare in Australia and other ideas around women's financial security....

Top 25 insights from Entrepreneurship Conference
In no particular order I present quotes from the event which either made me reflect, ponder, question or dream. (I have only added links for the people who were speakers at the event - the other quotes were part of either the work book or presentations) 1. “Every...

Here’s to the crazy ones – a timely reminder
In my presentations on leadership I often use the Think Different Apple TV ad (below) as an example to inspire... and there it was at the EO Amsterdam University I attended last week. Learning is not necessarily about new thoughts but reconnecting to ideas, concepts...

“Our deepest fear”
Our deepest fear... I have just finished speaking at a conference to an audience of 1000 business owners. Each of them had started their business... do the hard yards... created something from nothing. But the question I asked myself (in my head) as I was shared my...

If it is meant to be it is up to me?
I have used this mantra for years – always believing that I was the starting point for my own destiny. A friend recently asked me to ready Napoleon Hill 'Think and Grow Rich' and I liked this poem written in the book but there is no reference as to who wrote it...

Why Not?
"Some men see things as they are and say 'why?' Others dream things that never were and say, 'why not?'" George Bernard Shaw I am definately in the 'why not' group. Give it a go, what is the worst that can happen? This appeals to my positive nature. I am often asked...