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A wonderful friend (Emma Isaacs) sent me this quote earlier today. It could be the entrepreneur’s credo or manifest. What it did do for me when I read it – was to remind me, that whilst at the moment I might be very caught up in detail – I do it for a greater purpose.
I’m not sure who the author is – but some messages come to us when we need them most. There is ‘gold’ everywhere, I personally just need to make sure that I am not rushing too fast in case I miss them.
All the best for the end of the financial year – I am excited by the plan the leaders at RedBalloon have created for FY13 – and am looking forward to another great year delivering thousands of meaningful experiences.
I believe anything is possible,
I see opportunity when others see impossibility.
I take risks, I’m focused, I hustle,
I know that nothing is unrealistic,
I feel overwhelming love,
I embrace my childlike wonder and curiosity,
I take flying leaps into the unknown,
I contribute to something bigger than myself
I create, I learn, I grow, I do,
I believe it’s never too late to start living a dream,
I am an entrepreneur.

Grow & Scale Your Business by Naomi Simson

Tell Naomi a little bit about your business by completing the questions below. (It will take less than 60 seconds)

Answering your #1 Biggest Business Challenge question tip: 

Go beyond just saying "Poor Cashflow" or "Unreliable Team". 

Instead, give Naomi details & specifics on how this is currently your #1 Biggest Business Challenge. 

I.e. "Every month I'm struggling to pay my bills on time because there just isn't consistent cash flow coming into the business. I've tried sticking to budgets in the past & pay myself less to keep some extra funds aside for emergencies, but still every month there seems to be another financial fire to be put out. I don't know what to do about it, so I'm just grinding it out."


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