Case Studies

Customer Services Is changing dramatically
Customer Service is an integral part to business success.
The importance of customer service is often overlooked. I’m talking about relentless customer experience. In fact, I would suggest that customer obsession is what most business leaders need to achieve. We know that customer service is important, and once there is more than a few customers it can be overlooked. Often you find that when they come back regularly customer service can become something that business managers take for granted.
Customer service is about living in the customer shoes and understanding what it is like to be a customer. Also it is about knowing what job it is that you are being hired to do. Never taking customers for granted. I this range of blogs I talk about how customer service has evolved with time. And the new world of customer obsession. Every day ask yourself if this was your only customer how would you treat them?

Catch up on the Customer Service blog posts

Customer Loyalty = Business Success
Protection from Disruption The world of work is melding with the rest of life - people are online and connected all the time – how we work has changed forever. For small business owners’ life, has never been more challenging…customers seem more elusive and...

Standing out – is about the customer experience
These days, I am known to many simply as the #RedShark from Channel TEN’s Shark Tank Australia or ‘that lady in red,’ but being the Founding Director of RedBalloon did not mean I always wore red - nor infact is it my favourite colour. The question I often get is - how...

The ‘customer gets customer’ rule for start-up valuation
As we head toward Sunday night and the new time of 9.00 on Channel Ten's Shark Tank I wonder how many pitches will be considering how customers find customers. For the telephone to be successful, the owner of the phone needed to have friends who also had the device......

Customer Experience = Brand Reputation
On Sunday at 4.55pm I scooted into the car park at a Harvey Norman store. My son and I raced inside – he was in need of a desk chair for his school studies. Once we made it inside, the shop assistant greeted us with “we are about to close." I responded, “We will be...

Customer Intimacy Creates Experience
Sometimes all the intention in the world - still means that a customer does not have a good interaction. The question I pose is can we please all the people all the time? I was saddened by an email I received directly from a customer this week - accusing RedBalloon of...

Age is no barrier to living your dreams.
This story brought tears to my eyes...Thankyou for saying thankyou 'My father turned 84 yrs on 17th October 2006 and I wanted to give him a special present. As he loves anything to do with planes and he had often commented that he would love to fly on a DC 3 one day,...

A little thanks goes a long way..
I often speak of the power of thank you...and how unexpected thank yous can mean so much. I received this email today and I was so delighted to have made a difference. I challenge you to thank three people today ... people who usually don't get noticed. The dry...

Online Customer Experience VS Dealing with Real People
Yesterday I was asked at an Interactive Marketing event about the online vs offline selling experience. I read Neil Rackham's "Rethinking the Sales Force" recently. And I also had the privilege of having a half day session with him as part of the Advanced Business...