My Mothers’ Day marketing dilemma in the time of ‘lock down’.

To complete the 3 questions poll click here

As a marketing profession our job is to predict the future, and to do this we look at the past, insights, research and where possible intention and sentiment might be. We design campaigns based on the knowledge at hand – all businesses are the same. Like most retailers our promotional cycle is planned many months in advance – which includes Mothers’ Day. We have both short term (tactical) and longer term – (brand) programs all designed to build relatedness and trust with our customers.

The ability to react quickly to the changing status – I talk about in this 1 minute video. “What to do first when everything is urgent”

I think the challenge for most marketers right now is understanding sentiment – some brands are getting it right and some terribly wrong. It would be quite easy for us to just get it wrong….

What I do know is when lock down is over – Australians will want to ‘experience’ life with the family, friends and colleagues that they are missing. And Mum’s like me are yearning to spend time with their offspring – and our parents too.

Mothers’ day is a key occasion for us at RedBalloon – and sharing experiences with Mum on this day is a tradition. 10 May 2020 is going to be a very different Mothers day. It is unlikely that we will be out of ‘lock down’ by then.

When the team asked me my thoughts, I really did not have a clear answer. Working from home has brought a whole new set of challenges for families – from home schooling to chores. Uncertainty has led to anxiety and emotional strain. I also know there has been some moments of warmth and connection different from before. Family dinners, shared cooking, kicking a footy at the park. It is not all bad this current way of living.

However, when asked what my Mothers’ Day was likely to be like, I felt sad – in a way that is hard to explain. I am not going to see my Mum, and my adult children will not be with me either. And whilst we will video call (if Mum can get her microphone to work)… it will be different.

So I am seeking some help if you could complete this poll – what is Mothers’ day going to look like for you this year. Help me to navigate the tone – and to be a part of our journey.

Thank you for your help – And I am sad that I will not be with these two wonderful women in my life. My Mother and my Daughter. But we will make a plan.



Also published on Medium.

Grow & Scale Your Business by Naomi Simson

Tell Naomi a little bit about your business by completing the questions below. (It will take less than 60 seconds)

Answering your #1 Biggest Business Challenge question tip: 

Go beyond just saying "Poor Cashflow" or "Unreliable Team". 

Instead, give Naomi details & specifics on how this is currently your #1 Biggest Business Challenge. 

I.e. "Every month I'm struggling to pay my bills on time because there just isn't consistent cash flow coming into the business. I've tried sticking to budgets in the past & pay myself less to keep some extra funds aside for emergencies, but still every month there seems to be another financial fire to be put out. I don't know what to do about it, so I'm just grinding it out."


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