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I thought I would share with all this recent presentation that I did for Muru-D. It is only 10 minutes and covers much about my thoughts on success, purpose, surrounding yourself with people of different strengths, authentic leadership, vision, values and alignment.
I speak regularly, giving keynotes usually of about an hour – so I did find it amusing to see how purposeful I can be in 10minutes. I am happy with the result and was glad that I could contribute to the start up organization supporting start ups. Muru-D.
I hope you get value from this too.

(I was also really cuffed to get the feedback below) –
“Just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoyed your ‘moments of magic’ at Muru-D’s on fire event. A lot of the crowd re-iterated your point of spending time with people, and how important that is, after the event.

Grow & Scale Your Business by Naomi Simson

Tell Naomi a little bit about your business by completing the questions below. (It will take less than 60 seconds)

Answering your #1 Biggest Business Challenge question tip: 

Go beyond just saying "Poor Cashflow" or "Unreliable Team". 

Instead, give Naomi details & specifics on how this is currently your #1 Biggest Business Challenge. 

I.e. "Every month I'm struggling to pay my bills on time because there just isn't consistent cash flow coming into the business. I've tried sticking to budgets in the past & pay myself less to keep some extra funds aside for emergencies, but still every month there seems to be another financial fire to be put out. I don't know what to do about it, so I'm just grinding it out."


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