Lessons from Marketing 101

Years ago when I ran marketing workshops as part of my previous business I came across the old 1950’s print advertisement with the grumpy old man sitting in a chair who says…
“I don’t know who you are.
I don’t know your company.
I don’t know your company’s product.
I don’t know what your company stands for.
I don’t know your company’s customers.
I don’t know your company’s record.
I don’t know your company’s reputation.
Now – what was it you wanted to sell me?”
McGraw-Hill Magazines.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment – establishing brand credibility is essential online media makes it so much easier than ever before. The reality is though with instant media access – if you are interested in an organisation or you have accepted an appointment from a sales representative, then a quick Google search is likely to take place to establish these things.
So the mantra stays the same, however, we have more options to answer these questions in more media. I know on redballoon.com.au we have answered these questions consistently in various places. The about us section of the website is really important for that. It is there to build trust. I’m amazed how many websites I visit where the about us page says absolutely nothing – you have no more idea about who they are than you had before you visited the site. The role of the about us page is to build trust – and let the ‘personality’ of the organisation shine through… Maybe web site operators need to go back and complete Marketing 101.
Simply we want to know who you are… without a public presence all we have to rely on is our Google search and the about us page.

Grow & Scale Your Business by Naomi Simson

Tell Naomi a little bit about your business by completing the questions below. (It will take less than 60 seconds)

Answering your #1 Biggest Business Challenge question tip: 

Go beyond just saying "Poor Cashflow" or "Unreliable Team". 

Instead, give Naomi details & specifics on how this is currently your #1 Biggest Business Challenge. 

I.e. "Every month I'm struggling to pay my bills on time because there just isn't consistent cash flow coming into the business. I've tried sticking to budgets in the past & pay myself less to keep some extra funds aside for emergencies, but still every month there seems to be another financial fire to be put out. I don't know what to do about it, so I'm just grinding it out."


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