Naomi Simson

A business advice summary  from what I am reading and learning

Business Advice Posts 

Every working person needs business advice. Whether you are in a company, enterprise or start up you can learn from other peoples’ business advice. Now I am not saying I have the answers to everything. What I am saying is that when we learn from other peoples’ business advice then perhaps we get a ‘step up’. A free kick.

I read a lot and go to many seminars and conferences. Part of my entrepreneurial journey is learning from trial and error. There are so many things to learn. For me I write them here in a selection of blog posts so that I can maybe assist others on his or her leadership journey.

It will be difficult for me to know which, if any, of these posts will touch move and inspire you to be a better leader. The thing is with business advice, or any advice for that matter, it only works if you adapt it to your owner circumstances. There is no quick fix. There is no easy way.


Reading my business advice blog posts might well help you find an answer that you did not know you were looking for.

You may want to subscribe to my Monday Xpresso Newsletter so that you can get a weekly dose of motivation.

Catch up your business advice reading in the following chapters.

How to be agile at work

How to be agile at work

A start up kit for business growth If you are like me, you have read a hundred business books and a thousand articles and posts. Most of them with incredible gold and great value as you look at how to start, grow and scale your business. Then it comes time to...

Brand Building

Brand Building

Brand building begins at startup phase No business journey is linear. Building a brand whilst staying true to purpose, and remaining customer focussed is the role of any start up entrepreneur. Yet investing in systems and people to allow for scale can be challenging....

It is time to podcast

It is time to podcast

Handpicked the Podcast Having written blog posts for many years (and I will continue to do so), I thought perhaps it is time to do a podcast for business owners. I am committed to sharing what I am learning to support other business owners. I enjoy a podcast, in fact...

RedBalloon for Business

RedBalloon for Business

Redii points platform joins RedBalloon for Business As the Founder of RedBalloon I thought it important to share with my readers this change to the business. Especially because I have a hands on role working with RedBalloon clients directly in putting experiences to...